Trowse Pumping Station

A day spent just checking out leads for new sites with one of my friends, and we decided to swing by here. 

We had looked plenty of times in the past to no avail. Not expecting much we walked around to the door even though we spotted 4 men looking at the building and were pleasantly surprised when we saw that the back door was wide open, with only my camera tripod and 35mm lens in my hands we nipped in quickly and took a load of photos. We then heard voices getting close, so not wanting to get locked in we made our way out, to be asked the usual what you guys up to. 

2 minutes later the guy was cool with us being there, so I hurried back to the car to get more camera gear and carry on shooting away. About an hour later the owner needed to lock up, so we left happy at the fact that a site I had wanted into for a number of years had now been ticked off the to-do list… And also very happy to be heading home for a shower to get rid of the stench of pigeon crap.

A single red brick pumping station built around 1909 that worked with the Rivers Wensum and Yare. It has workers cottages next to it that are in a very traditional Victorian gothic style. It finally stopped working when a newer more complexed site was built to the South East of the site just a little further along the river. Many of the great features of the site have now sadly started to go due to vandalism and natural decay, but the current owner of the site is now looking to sort out the site and get some sort of use out of it