
Posts tagged with Exploring

  1. Spread Oak Chapel and scrap cars

    2022-06-12 18:59:59 UTC

    After many years of not exploring, I have decided it is time to go back to where I learnt most about photography back in the days when I got my 1st camera. Rummaging around in the old buildings and all that sort of stuff is something I love, so expect…

  2. Trowse Pumping Station

    2015-06-16 09:02:00 UTC

    A day spent just checking out leads for new sites with one of my friends, and we decided to swing by here.  We had looked plenty of times in the past to no avail. Not expecting much we walked around to the door even though we spotted 4 men looking…

  3. Trowse Pumping Station

    2015-06-16 09:02:00 UTC

    A day spent just checking out leads for new sites with one of my friends, and we decided to swing by here.  We had looked plenty of times in the past to no avail. Not expecting much we walked around to the door even though we spotted 4 men looking…

  4. Norwich Cathedral shelter

    2015-06-05 17:00:00 UTC

    This report may be a bit boring for some, but others who like to see a bit of the different stuff you will be nicely pleased.  The tunnels of Norwich are a well-documented thing, so much so that everybody in the city knows about the usual 2 that have been…